FootMed provide Physiotherapy services delivered by our Associate Physiotherapist, Jenny Cochrane.
In 2006 Jenny gained a Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy from Queen Margaret University.
On graduating, she spent seven years working in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, gaining experience in all of the specialities of physiotherapy – respiratory, neurological, musculoskeletal and surgical/orthopaedics. This gave Jenny a diverse base of experience from which to treat a wide variety of patients.
She currently works full time as an NHS community physiotherapist in North East Fife based out of St Andrews Community Hospital. Jenny has a full and varied caseload covering neurological conditions, frailty and falls prevention, orthopaedic and musculoskeletal clients.
An active outdoors person, Jenny has previously played for, captained and coached Scotland at Touch Football including representing the country at the Touch World Cup in 2007 in South Africa. She is a very keen horse rider with two horses of her own. Jenny has a special interest in rider biomechanics and how identifying imbalances in riders can affect a horse’s way of going, and in injury and postural management of horse riders. She works at Footmed’s St Andrews clinic.